It's finally time for API Design Matters to tackle one of the more complex API design patterns/practices: Hypermedia, or more aptly named, Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State (HATEOAS).
(Please note that what follows are my personal observations and perspectives on Hypermedia APIs. I encourage API Design Matters readers to explore other voices.)
Roy Fielding defined the REST API architectural style and has stated that an API is not a REST API if it is not hypermedia driven. So what does this mean?
( REST? RESTful? REST-like? RESTish? See We Talk "API" One Day )
At the structural level, a Hypermedia API is one in which the capabilities of the API—or more accurately, the capabilities of the application that the API enables—are conveyed in the API’s responses, typically through hypermedia links embedded in the data. Much as a web page is more useful because it contains links to other related web pages, an API response (that is, a representation of one of the API’s resources) is enriched when it includes links to resources or API actions related to that resource.
Hypermedia APIs allows both discoverability of the features of the API/application as well as looser coupling between the client application and the API services—both admirable goals. As a pattern, Hypermedia is fine solution to the design force of decoupling a web application front end from the back end that manages it. Key to this is allowing business rules to be managed on the back end rather than replicated in the front end. For example, by including or excluding certain links in responses from the back end, the application can control what the end user can do. More importantly, it allows the application to evolve by adding new features, expressed through hypermedia, without having to re-write or update the client.
However, just as there is no standard definition of a REST API, there is no definitive standard for how such hypermedia links are conveyed. Instead, there are myriad competing standards and formats, such as
… and others.
I won’t dive into the details of all of these (that would be a couple chapters worth of book material, and not too helpful right now). Instead, I want to discuss the pros and cons of embedding Hypermedia in a web API.
One of the primary goals of encapsulating a back end service or process with an API is to add a level of abstraction. The API is the embodiment of an abstraction at a point in time. However, services evolve over time - they may add more capabilities or features. This is typically exposed with new versions of an API, or even entirely new APIs if the new behavior does not fit well in the existing API.
However, another way to deliver new functionality within an API is more dynamically, by returning new links in the payload of the existing API.
For example, in the Chain Links sample API I have provided in this series, the listUniverses
operation returns a representation of a list of universes (i.e. an array of universeItem
objects, each of which has the unique id
of a universe.) The getUniverse
API operation accepts a universeId
path parameter and fetches the representation of that universe. This requires the client (or a software development kit or SDK library) to construct URLs to use the API - i.e. the getUniverse(universeId: string)
operation will substitute the universeId
into into the API path /universes/{universeId}
and prepend the API server base URL from the OpenAPI servers
object in order to invoke the getUniverse
operation, then parse the JSON response and bind it to a universe
data structure in the target language. In a hypermedia API, the URL of each item would be included in the list of universe items in the listUniverses’s universes
response, so that the client is more loosely coupled to the API. This allow the API service to evolve over time, such as providing a more efficient URL for fetching resources. Such changes are not possible if the client has a tight coupling to (a specific version of) the API.
The other challenge with hypermedia links is conveying the semantics. At the base level, a link is just that - a URL. But in an HTTP API, a URL is only part of the operation: there is also the HTTP verb, the authorization, the request and response bodies, HTTP request and response headers, and if the client is going to present the link or action in the client application (such as a button or menu item or link), it requires a title or label or descriptive text. Unadorned Hypermedia links may work well with GET
operations, but less so with POST
A key element of that unwieldy name “HATEOAS” (Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State) is Application. Hypermedia APIs work well when they are part of a web application. Applications have state; they combine user input and back end processing, and the API encapsulates that application’s behavior and capabilities. In such cases, these HATEOAS APIs can contain links that expose or enable the next possible steps in the application, based on the current state of the application and what the authenticated user can do, given that application state and what roles and permissions that user has. For example, from a list of application domain objects, there may be an ”edit”
link which allows the user to edit that object. Lack of such a link means that the current user, given the current application state, cannot edit the object. The appeal of this decoupling is obvious - the client application does not (and rightfully should not) contain such business rules, as these are subject to change (perhaps at a cadence more frequent than API version releases).
Supporting a Hypermedia API is of course most useful if the client application is written in such a way that it can do something with those dynamic links. This is no easy task… most application developers don’t want to deal with that kind of complexity.
However, we are all familiar with one type of such dynamic application - your favorite web browser. This ability to handle arbitrary links and dynamic content is what allows the browser to host myriad client applications, such as Gmail, Substack, LinkedIn, and so one… without having any prior knowledge of those applications.
However, when an API is the front end of a very general and reusable web service with a well defined functional boundary (such as sending Email or SMS messages or making a credit card payment for an purchase), there is not a single application that the API is attached to - it must work with arbitrary applications. Such atomic and composable service APIs may be stateless, and since they are not part of any one specific application, they have less application state to convey, and hence HATEOAS links are less impactful for conveying application state. Related resource links are still useful, such as a link from a Chain Link Character to the Universe in which that character lives.
I suggest reading Bruno Pedro’s article, Why Aren’t APIs Using Code on Demand? in The API Changelog. Bruno’s article discusses one of the (optional) constraints of the REST architecture style, namely Code-on-Demand. It is what makes an API driven application (such as a single page application) powerful and reactive, compared to older web application architectures which are built around server-generated web pages. Code-on-Demand works for web applications because such applications run within a application host (a browser) which can execute that code.
Code-on-Demand is also necessary to fully interpret the links in a Hypermedia API. For example, consider a resource in our Chain Links application, a Universe. How does one add a new universe? Certainly the API answer is trivial - by using the POST
operation on the /universes
collection, passing a request body that satisfies the newUniverse
schema. In a hypermedia API, the universes
collection resource may have a hypermedia link with a link relation called createUniverse
, but if a client application does not know about this resource or request body schema, it can’t use that link… just as a client coded to version 2.1 of an API has no knowledge of a resource introduced in version 3.0 of the API.
However, Code-on-Demand will allow the application to fetch the code to do new things, such as create a universe, edit a universe, update a universe. Creating can be done via a link to a web page or form or applet which prompt the user to fill in and submit the data necessary to complete the request. That is, the link to create a new universe is may be a link to a web page — part of the broader application that the API encapsulates. It may contain UI form controls and JavaScript to handle the dynamic aspects, and perhaps optional controls based on the current application state, such as where to go next after completing the current task, or where to return to if the user decides to cancel. In such a way, the client is adaptable and not tied to a specific version of the API - the application, the API, and the client can evolve together.
The downside is that, as it’s name implies, Code-on-Demand requires passing executable code from the back end to the front end. If the client is a browser, it can dynamically load JavaScript as part of rendering a web page. Other clients may not have this dynamic capability. If the client is a secure back office headless application written in some other language such as Go, it can’t use such Code-on-Demand without adding a lot of complex client code execution features. (Of course, security must also be considered any time an application introduces a new code execution feature.) Also, I am not aware of APIs which support languages other that JavaScript, though using WebAssembly (see Why Aren’t APIs Using Code on Demand? ) may be the technology bridge.
Developing clients to consume and fully exploit Hypermedia APIs requires not just handling Code-on-Demand; it requires a different mindset. That is, one must consider the API to be a dynamic entity, not a static one, with new features possible every time an API call is made. This is a difficult thing to implement well or correctly, especially when many applications are often written to do very specific things.
For example, the AI summary on the Gmail API page states (as of Jan 19, 2025):
The API is not intended as a full email client replacement but is ideal for web applications needing authorized access to user data.
Most developers prefer using some sort of language software development kit when coding to an API. However, these SDKs are often tied to a specific version of an API, with a specific URL layout and fixed set of operations and parameters—this goes very much against the grain of Hypermedia APIs which are meant to be dynamic and flexible, not strictly rigid structures with statically defined URLs and statically defined request and response body schemas. Such SDKs (often generated from an OpenAPI definition) typically use rigid interface constructs, such as representing path parameters (which the SDK will inject to API resource URLs) as function parameters, with one function per API operation. But a Hypermedia application is more dynamic - the URLs are all provided by the API, so the client should never construct a URL. (For example, the getUniverse
function in an SDK for a static API may accept the universeId
parameter; for a Hypermedia based API, the getUniverse
function in an SDK may accept the universe’s
URL as a parameter instead (where that URL is obtained in a link within another API response.)
Let’s revisit an application like Gmail. How would you design this application to automatically support dynamic features that were not in your requirements when you first started?
For example, Gmail allows adding attachments to a mail message; that is part of the mime message format. The user can select a file from their local file system and the client encodes that in the email message body. However, if the file is too large, Gmail now has the ability to upload the file to Google Drive (and set the permissions on that file so the recipient can access it) and instead of adding an attachment, Gmail will insert a hyperlink to that file on Google Drive. Imagine trying to design the client app to allow executing this type of dynamic behavior - it is not trivial. But with Code-on-Demand, it is possible.
Yes, hypermedia APIs are a useful replacement for server generated web page architecture, and decoupling a (browser) web application from back end logic and business rules. HATEOAS seems a better fit when there is a (server managed) web application, but harder to exploit when the API is a general purpose component meant to be embedded in arbitrary applications that the service knows nothing about.