Having tackled the problem of describing the output of a successful API operation, you now have some useful API design skills—well done! Unfortunately, in today’s world, a successful API call often feels like the exception rather than the rule. The list of problems which can arise with a public API is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think the list of problems with those darn teenagers is long, but that's just peanuts to public API problems.1
Welcome to the next article in the Language of API Design. Rather than jumping into the middle of this series, I encourage new subscribers/visitors read Your Guide to The Language of API Design and review previous posts in the series.
Even if your API has the most elegant and tightest design, problems can arise when external systems try to use it.
A client can pass invalid data, such as sending non-JSON text or JSON that does conform to the required schema.
A client can reference a resource that does not exist.
A client can attempt an operation with improper or no authentication.
A client can attempt to put the system into an inconsistent state.
A malicious client can try to flood the service, try to access someone else’s personal or financial information, or otherwise cause harm.
So, problems are a reality that a well-designed API should (must) deal with. There are two primary OpenAPI design elements related to addressing such problems.
HTTP status codes
API response bodies
First, let’s look at how we might define problem responses for the listChinLinks
operation introduced in From Domain Model to OpenAPI. That operation has several query parameters, and hence two possible problems are passing query parameters with invalid syntax or passing nonsense values. Each query parameter is defined with an OpenAPI parameter object and a schema
which constrains the value. For example, the operation definition allows an authoredOn
query parameter:
- name: authoredOn
Subset the collection to chain links authored in
a date range.
in: query
type: string
minLength: 13
maxLength: 23
- '[2023-01-01,2023-03-31]'
- '[2023-01-01,]'
- '(,2023-03-31)'
such as
GET .../chainLinks?authoredOn=[2023-01-01,2023-03-31]
but a client may pass ill-formed request:
GET .../chainLinks?authoredOn=[purple,rain]
GET .../chainLinks?authoredOn=3.14159
A robust API will detect and reject invalid requests. (We’ll discuss why that is important to API security later in The Language of API Design.)
HTTP Status Codes
As we saw in the last article in The Language of API Design, you define the normal success response to an API operation in the responses object, with a response object corresponding to the 200 or other 2XX
HTTP status code:
description: OK. The operation succeeded.
title: Chain Links
Along with that “OK” response, you can also define the response for a 201 Created response code when an API creates a new resource, 202 Accepted when a service accepts a request but does not fully process it before returning, 204 if there is no request body, and other 200-level status codes, etc.
When a problem occurs—more correctly, when the service detects one of that mind-bogglingly huge list of possible problems—other HTTP status codes describe a variety of problem responses. With OpenAPI, you can add new entries to the operation’s responses
object, one for each of the applicable status codes.
A 400
response means Bad Request: the service has detected some issue with the request and rejects it as “bad”. It is most often used when there is a syntactic error in the request, such as input not being valid JSON when the operation requires JSON, or the value not conforming to the corresponding JSON schema. This validation obviously applies to the request body, but also to header parameters, request parameters, and even path parameters: OpenAPI lets you define JSON Schema and fine-grained validation constraints for them all.
The response corresponding to the 400 Bad Request status is defined with a ‘400’
key in the responses object.
'200': ... as seen above ...
description: Bad Request.
title: Problem
... filled in below ...
400 is a broad “category” response: any invalid request could result in a 400, although there are other response codes for more specific kinds of bad requests. In addition to 400 Bad Request, the most common 4xx errors I see in APIs are:
401 Unauthorized - No authorization was passed to an operation that required authorization.
403 Forbidden - Authorization was passed but it is insufficient to access this resource.
404 Not Found - The resource at the given URL does not exist.
405 Method Not Allowed - The HTTP method is not supported for this resource.
406 Not Acceptable - The requested response media type (Accept header) is not supported.
409 Conflict - The request would cause a state conflict in the target resource.
418 I’m a teapot - An attempt to brew coffee with a teapot (No, I’m kidding, 418 I’m a teapot is not really very common.)
422 Unprocessable Entity - The request was syntactically correct but cannot be processed because the service cannot interpret it.
429 Too Many Requests - The request exceeds allow rate limits.
4XX-level status codes are meant for problems originating in the caller, and the caller should alter the request to correct the problem. The client should not simply retry the operation hoping for a better result.
5XX-level status codes refer to problems that occur in the service. Such errors cannot be corrected from the client side, although some 500-level errors may be transient, and the client might be able to successfully retry the operation later.
An OpenAPI definition need not—and should not—list every possible status code for each operation. Some response codes are simply not possible for some of an API’s operations, such as a 413 Request Payload Too Large response code for a GET
operation that has no request body. I prefer to list the likely status codes but note that any operation may return any appropriate HTTP status code, and clients should not code to only those status codes listed in the API definition.
The API Hall of Shame
Before moving on to discuss the response body representation of API problems, I’ll offer some advice to keep you out the API Hall Of Shame. APIs end up in the API Hall of Shame when they return a 200 OK status for all API responses, then include error: true
or an errorMessage
string in the response when there is a problem. Please don’t do this, as it violates developer expectations and forces developers to intermingle error handling with normal response handling. The number of Internet memes for this design flaw is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, … well, you get it.
Paid API Design Matters subscribers may view a special article, My Favorite API Memes, which includes several memes related to this anti-pattern:
API response bodies
Yes, you could just return raw 400 or other 4xx/5xx status codes, with no response body. That’s analogous to a compiler that aborts without an error message when your program has a syntax error… basically giving the middle finger to any developer using your API.
I recommend returning JSON responses with 4xx and 5xx status code. Moreover, I recommend using the application/problem+json
format as defined by RFC 7807. This format, used by more and more APIs, provides standard properties for describing the problem in more detail, as well as adding a type
property which can pinpoint exactly the type of error that occurred. Below is the 400
response object for the above GET /chainLinks
operation, augmented with the application/problem+json
response description for the 400 Bad Request HTTP status:
'200': ... as seen above ...
description: Bad Request.
title: API Problem
description: >-
API problem response, as per
[RFC 7807](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7807).
type: object
description: >-
A URI reference
[RFC 3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986)
that identifies the problem type.
type: string
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 2048
description: >-
A short, human-readable summary
of the problem type.
type: string
maxLength: 120
description: >-
[RFC 9110](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc9110)
HTTP status code generated by the origin server
for this occurrence of the problem.
type: integer
format: int32
minimum: 100
maximum: 599
description: >-
A URI reference that identifies
the specific occurrence of the problem.
type: string
format: uri-reference
maxLength: 256
description: >-
A human-readable explanation
specific to this occurrence of the problem.
type: string
maxLength: 2048
The title
and detail
property are informative. The type
property is a URI that uniquely identifies the specific problem. Even if the error is a generic 400 Bad Request, the type
can provide additional information about the specific bad request, which can specify why the request is bad. In the example problem response below, the URI indicates the problem is an invalid parameter. RFC 7807 does not mandate what this URI is and does not even require that it resolve to a resource, but it is helpful if it is the URL of a resource which describes that specific problem.
⚠️ Warning: Don’t start copying this problem response schema into other 4xx responses or other operations yet—The Language of API Design will soon describe the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principal to eliminate the need for copy/paste and overly verbose API definitions.
When the getChainLinks
operation is invoked with invalid query parameters, the JSON response may look something like the following:
"type": "https://api.chainlinks.example.com/problems/invalidQueryParameter?names=authoredOn",
"title": "Invalid query parameter",
"detail": "The authoredOn parameter has invalid date range syntax.",
"instance": "https://api.chainlinks.example.com/chainLinks?authoredOn=[purple,rain]"
This is certainly more a big improvement over no information! Good on ya, mate! Returning such a problem description is one way to improve an API’s developer experience (another major theme of API Design Matters.)
Observations on Problem Responses
One significant point about RFC 7807 is that it defines a problem response, not an error response. This means that the
format may be used for many situations, not just errors. It can be used for warnings or validation responses. For example, if an API provides an operation to validate some data, the response could be a list of problems using the RFC 7807 schema.The
and other properties of a problem response should not include tracebacks or other details that might reveal service implementation details. Such information could expose attack vectors that hackers can exploit. Tracebacks can help verify specific versions of frameworks and utility libraries used in the service, and there may be known vulnerabilities with those versions.Having a good framework for reporting problems may help you as an API designer think more about what problems may occur with your API. Just reviewing all the standard 4xx and 5xx HTTP status codes will help you account for them in your APIs.
Typically, the
properties are intended for the developer, not the end user. Rarely, if ever, should a client application display those strings to the end user. The user is not aware of the API layer nor how the application maps user experience activity to API calls. Most 4xx errors indicate defects in the client application—it may have constructed the request incorrectly, so it does not help the user to present a message such asThe authoredOn parameter has invalid date range syntax.
This implies that the client developer should be reading the API documentation carefully and know what is and is not valid input. Using a client SDK, generated from the OpenAPI document, can greatly help with this, and we’ll discuss SDK’s later in API Design Matters. Developing and testing the client application against a realistic test environment (i.e., not just a mock) can also help identify all such client defects before releasing the client to end users.
The last piece of advice inspired by our discussion of problem responses is to follow standards as much as possible. This means returning the correct HTTP status code based on the actual type of error or problem, and equally important, using the HTTP methods as intended. Use well-defined standard models like RFC 7807 and
rather than inventing your own error/problem format. (Note: RFC 7807 does allow adding additional properties besides those listed in the RFC.) By adhering to these standards, your API will meet most developers’ expectations. Your API consumers will also get the maximum benefit from libraries and infrastructure that are designed to work with the well-testing HTTP application protocol.
Problems happen. Often. Planning for problems and building appropriate mechanisms to deal with and describe those problems go a long way towards our goal of better API design for all.
With sincere apologies and utmost reverence to Douglas Adams.
Here is another helpful article on handling errors in APIs: https://www.bitstreamapis.com/blog/implementing-effective-api-error-handling/